Video: Basic Japanese Greetings – Conversation

 Video: Basic Japanese Greetings – Conversation

The continuation of the Video: Basic Japanese greetings

In the video, there are a few conversations that I included based on what I understand.

Note: I am still not good at making sentences as I need to improve my understanding of Japanese particles. If I made a wrong sample or grammar, you could always send me a message and I am happy to change it. お願いします。

Let’s start:

First conversation:

アンナ: ユトくん、おはようございます。 (Anna: Yuto-kun, Ohayou gozaimasu.) ユト: アンナさん、おはようございます (Yuto: Anna-san, Ohayou gozaimasu.)


Anna: Yuto, Good morning Yuto: Ms. Anna, Good morning.

As I have explained in my previous blog (Honorifics in Japan), くん is an honorific used by people in a higher position or someone younger. Women don’t use くん when addressing women. Only males can address くん to males or females. くん is like a masculine honorific. You can check my blog about Honorifics here: Honorifics in Japan

さん is the most common honorific. ユトくん maybe is アンナさん’s junior colleague or he is just being polite to アンナさん. おはようございます means Good morning.

アンナ: これ、おみやげです。ユトくんにあげます。 (Anna: Kore, omiyage desu. Yuto-kun ni agemasu.) ユト: オレ?ありがとうございます。 (Yuto: ore? Arigatou gozaimasu.) アンナ: どういたしまして (Anna: Douitashimashite.) ユト: (--)


Anna: This is a souvenir. I’ll give it to you. Yuto: Me? Thank you very much.   Anna: You’re welcome. Yuto:  (flushed face)

In the first sentence, I removed the particle in between これ and おみやげ. The meaning will still be the same. これ means ‘this’ in English. おみやげ means ‘souvenir’. あげます means ‘to give’ and it is the polite form of あげる. ありがとうございます means ‘Thank you’ (Thank you very much). オレ is a Japanese pronoun used mostly by males, means ‘I’ or in this conversation means ‘me’. It is usually written in Hiragana sound おれ.  

どういたしまして means ‘You’re welcome’.

Second conversation:

ジョン: こんにちは。 (Jon: Konnichiha.) マリア: こんにちは。 (Maria: Konnichiha.) ジョン: おなまえはなんですか? (Jon: Onamae ha nan desu ka? ) マリア: わたしのなまえはマリアです。あなたは? (Maria: Watashi no namae ha Maria desu. Anata ha?) ジョン: ジョンです。 (Jon: John desu.)

English: John: Good Afternoon Maria: Good Afternoon John: What is your name? Maria: My name is Maria. And you? John: I’m John. The こんにちは in this conversation can either mean Good afternoon or Hello. おなまえ means ‘name’. なんですか means ‘what is ? . わたし is the pronoun ‘I’ in English while あなた is ‘You’. わたしのなまえは can be shortened to わたしは as both speaker and the person spoke to knows the question. わたしは can also be omitted when answering the question おなまえはなんですか? You can answer either: わたしはマリアです. – I’m Maria. (Watashi ha Maria desu.) マリアです. – It’s Maria. (Maria desu.)

ジョン:えいごをはなしますか? (Jon: Eigo wo hanashimasu ka?) マリア: いいえ、えいごがはなせません。 (Maria: Iie, eigo ga hanasemasen.) ジョン: あぁ~そうなんですか? (Jon: aa sou nan desu ka?) マリア: はい、そうなんです。ごめんなさい。 (Maria: Hai, sou nan desu. Gomennasai.)

English: John: Do you speak English? Maria: No, I cannot speak English. John: oh Is that so? Maria: Yes, that’s right. I’m sorry.

えいご means ‘English’. I use two verbs, はなします and はなせます in this conversation so we could determine the difference between the two verbs. はなします and はなせます means ‘speak’ and the polite form of はなす. はなします means ‘to speak’ while はなせます is ‘can speak’. If we change the verb when John asks Maria if she can speak English, the sentence will be: えいごがはなせますか? – Can you speak English? (Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?)

, , are the Japanese particles. ごめんなさいmeans ‘sorry’. --------------------------------------

For a better image, you can check the picture library in the link: 

Pictures: Basic Japanese Greetings


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>> Let's talk about Nature

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>> The Hiragana Character
>> The Katakana Character

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>> Word of the Week 8
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>> Japanese Words| Hiragana | I-adjectives PART 3
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>> 【Spanish Lesson #2】More Examples
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