Summary - July


My July Summary

There is no difference between the number of my post in June and this month.  I only have 5 posts about Japanese lessons.


Here is the link for all the posts I made this month:


 July 10 à  Basic greetings in Hiragana

July 12 à  Let’s talk about time

July 26 à  Let’s talk about Family

July 28 à  Honorifics in Japan

July 30 à  How to say your age in Japanese


You may also here find my summary for June:

June 29 à Summary – June 


There are a lot of things to learn about the Japanese language and I hope I can post more but due to my work schedule, I cannot keep on fulfilling what I’ve written every month. But here is my calendar for this month.


This month also I had my first dose of vaccine against the virus. And will have my second dose next month, August. 

This is Ringo. I'll see you next month. 
