Examples of Katakana

Examples of Katakana


Today, we will be reading the Katakana form of Asian countries. Most countries in the world are written in Katakana except Japan (Of course), China (as the origin of Kanji is from the Ancient China), North and South Korea (before Hangeul was introduce, Koreans used the Traditional Chinese characters. You can check some Historical Korean Drama for reference) and Taiwan. Japan, Korea (North and South) and China have shared the same history and I will not talk about it here because my knowledge about their History is limited. But I will be sharing my country’s history in the future (I hope so). I will not include these five Countries as not to confused everyone on why only these five have Kanji characters.

For countries, it is very easy to write the Katakana form. Just read the name by syllables and you can write its Katakana form. I will only write the Asian countries (except the five countries) because there are too many countries in the world. I will separate each Continents so the page for the Countries will not be too long.


Here we go:

1.    UAE –  (arabu

2.    Armenia –  (arumenia)

3.    Azerbaijan – ジャ (azerubaijan)

4.    Afghanistan –  (afuganisutan)

5.    Bangladesh – シュ (banguradeshu)

6.    Bhutan –  (bu-tan)

7.    Brunei – (burunei)

8.    Cambodia –  (kanbojia)

9.    Cyprus –  (kipurosu)

10.  Georgia – (gurujia)

11.  Israel –  (isuraeru)

12.  Indonesia –  (indoneshia)

13.  India –  (indo)

14.  Iran – (iran)

15.  Iraq –  (iraku)

16.  Jordan –  (yorudan)

17.  Kyrgyz –  (kirugisu)

18.  Kazakhstan –  (kazafusutan)

19.  Lebanon –  (rebanon)

20.  Laos –  (raosu)

21.  Mongolia –  (mongoru)

22.  Macao –  (makao)

23.  Malaysia –  (mare-shia)

24.  Myanmar – ミャー (myanma-)

25.  Maldives – ディ (morudibu)

26.  Nepal –  (neparu)

27.  Oman –  (oma-n)

28.  Palestine –  (paresuchina)

29.  Philippines – フィ (firipin)

30.  Pakistan –  (pakisutan)

31.  Singapore –  (shingapo-ru)

32.  Sri Lanka –  (suriranka)

33.  Syria –  (shiria)

34.  Saudi Arabia –  (saujiarabia)

35.  Thailand –  (tai)

36.  Tajikistan –  (tajikisutan)

37.  Turkmenistan –  (torukumenisutan)

38.  Turkey –  (toruko)

39.  Uzbekistan –  (uzubekisutan)

40.  Vietnam –  (betonamu)

41.  Yemen –  (iemen)


Note: For UAE, I only put the Katakana form. But UAE’s Japanese translation is アラブ首長国連邦. I don’t know if the last five Kanji means the Emirates as UAE is consist of seven emirates. If someone has an idea, I will be happy to learn about it.

Here is the Practice Sheet for today's Katakana examples. You can download in the link below. 

【Katakana】Practice Sheet


Don't forget to rate your answer. Let me know if you answer it perfectly. がんばってください。


If you want to go back to Katakana lessons, just click the link below.

The Katakana Character >> 


Related Topic:
📙 Examples of Hiragana
📙 The Hiragana Character
📙 Japanese Combined Characters

Japanese Pictures:
📗 Kanji: 林
📗 Kanji: 口
📗 Kanji: 耳

Latest Update: April 27, 2024
